“No sir, no guitars in the jungle.” I disappointedly take the instrument out of my bag, and am given 6 litre bottles of water to carry instead. With a glance from my two friends, theContinue reading
Category: Writings
Unexpected Encounters – Moscow to Bishkek part 2
This is a re-post of an article that was written by Jiddu Alexander for traliving.com. The original can be found here. It’s dark and cold. The Kyrgyzstan officers at this remote railway border crossing wear thick furryContinue reading
Unexpected Encounters – Moscow to Bishkek part 1
This is a re-post of an article that was written by Jiddu Alexander for traliving.com. The original can be found here. The train was to depart from Moscow and would carry me through Russian forests and Kazakhstan’sContinue reading
Domestic with Dad
This is a re-post of an article that was written by Jiddu Alexander for traliving.com. The original can be found here. “You go now. With my dad.” Sudip is my Nepalese friend from Pokhara. He has takenContinue reading
The Belt – Biking on Mercury
The Belt I am biking at dusk on Mercury. For two-hundred-and-twenty days I’ve been tight-roping this line between frying and freezing. If timed correctly I could stay alive on this planet for hundreds ofContinue reading
Little Yellow Hook #2
—This is the sequel to Little Yellow Hook #1 Little yellow hook #2 The two-minute little wink Check in 16:45. I’m running late! Flight departs 17:30; it’s 16:40 now! EZY8948. Security was close. Flying highContinue reading
Little Yellow Hook #1
Check in 16:45. 16:15 to be sure. Flight departs 17:45, it’s 17:30 now. EZY8948. Security was easy. I choose the furthest away staircase, knowing most people take the easiest route. I want a good seat.Continue reading
The Waterfall
This is a re-post of an article that was written by Jiddu Alexander for traliving.com. The original can be found here. At 3 am I hiked up Adam’s peak with 4 fellow travellers, it is aContinue reading
Room 205, please
This is a re-post of an article that was written by Jiddu Alexander for traliving.com. The original can be found here. Our room. In the whole of Kathmandu there is not one room that Aron and I prefer more thanContinue reading
Mental Preperation
So… I’m leaving in about a month. Pfff. A. 29/08/12