Lunch at Barashka

Mission 04 Ernesto

Mission by: Ernesto


  • Have lunch at BARASHKA, Petrovka Street 20 ‘One of the cheapest eateries from Arkadiy Novikov, one of the finest Russian restaurateurs. Barashka serves Azerbaijani cuisine in a very modest
  • Find out what the grand duchy of Moscovy did in 14th century.
  • Post ‘Ruslan and Lyudmila’ by Aleksandr Pushkin on your blog.
  • Post a you tube to Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s The 1812 Overture on your blog and explain what is was in celebration of.

Accomplished, but under constuction.

Lunch at Barashka (see image at top). Very tasty. One of the cheapest from Arkadiy Novikov does not mean cheap. Although reasonably priced this is not a standard backpackers option. I noticed as I walked into the area and only saw Armani, Gucci and LV type of shops. I’ve been to many Pushkin parks, streets, his house, workplace, and more. I couldn’t find his famous poem written anywhere. Video explanations coming for the other missions.

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