We bought some sandals in this incredible shop in Alleppey (Alappuzha), Kerala India. Wherever you looked were sandals so we decided to run in with the camera and catch the friendly staff by surprise. ThinkingContinue reading
Sam & Jiddus India pt 2
…So we leave Auroville & start travelling! (Click on picture for larger & better quality) First up is .. Rammaswari: – The eastern furthest tip before Sri Lanka The whole km of bridge was like thisContinue reading
Jungle trek
“No sir, no guitars in the jungle.” I disappointedly take the instrument out of my bag, and am given 6 litre bottles of water to carry instead. With a glance from my two friends, theContinue reading
Unexpected Encounters – Moscow to Bishkek part 2
This is a re-post of an article that was written by Jiddu Alexander for traliving.com. The original can be found here. It’s dark and cold. The Kyrgyzstan officers at this remote railway border crossing wear thick furryContinue reading
Unexpected Encounters – Moscow to Bishkek part 1
This is a re-post of an article that was written by Jiddu Alexander for traliving.com. The original can be found here. The train was to depart from Moscow and would carry me through Russian forests and Kazakhstan’sContinue reading
The Travelbug
The Travelbug has infected me. When or where I caught it I don’t know, but I do know that it has spread to each and every inch of my body. Do you fear you mightContinue reading
Sams India part 1
I start my adventure by arriving at Chennai airport, Tamil Nadu, India. Instead of the 3 hours to Auroville it somehow takes me 8 – bursting for the toilet most of the way… on theContinue reading
India Gramophone – funny vid
Hope you enjoy our vid 🙂 Sam and Jiddu from APuffOfStuff.
Sam and Jiddu on Boat vid
Enjoy the backwaters near Kollam (Kerala, India) with us! Sam and Jiddu on Boat from APuffOfStuff.
Domestic with Dad
This is a re-post of an article that was written by Jiddu Alexander for traliving.com. The original can be found here. “You go now. With my dad.” Sudip is my Nepalese friend from Pokhara. He has takenContinue reading