Fast, exciting short clip of Nepal 2070. Timelapses, slow motions and fast forwards of Nepal’s spectacular scenery with a dose of good humor from Jan. Nepal 2070 at vimeo. Cheers, Jiddu Alexander
Tag: funny
A Note from Bach
Dear Creator of mine, I am exhausted, I am really exhausted. Let me explain. I was born just one of many, but nine years ago you sold me to some Dutch travel maniac, Jiddu, and myContinue reading
Health and Safety, Nepali Safety!
Health and safety standards differ massively around the globe. In Nepal they don’t seem to exist at all. Watch a man climb a self constructed bamboo ladder made for giants without safety measures and findContinue reading
The Sandal Shop
We bought some sandals in this incredible shop in Alleppey (Alappuzha), Kerala India. Wherever you looked were sandals so we decided to run in with the camera and catch the friendly staff by surprise. ThinkingContinue reading
Unexpected Encounters – Moscow to Bishkek part 2
This is a re-post of an article that was written by Jiddu Alexander for The original can be found here. It’s dark and cold. The Kyrgyzstan officers at this remote railway border crossing wear thick furryContinue reading
India Gramophone – funny vid
Hope you enjoy our vid 🙂 Sam and Jiddu from APuffOfStuff.
Sam and Jiddu on Boat vid
Enjoy the backwaters near Kollam (Kerala, India) with us! Sam and Jiddu on Boat from APuffOfStuff.
India Cow Vid #1
Enjoy this vid we made on the beach of Mahabalipuram in India! Sam and Jiddu
Should or should we not – the game
To play this game follow the following example and improvise. ‘Taxi?’ So taxi, tuktuk, rikshaw, cycle rikshaw or any other drivers are driving you crazy? Here’s a sweet game you game you can play toContinue reading